

Conference Hosts

Elder Abuse Action Australia (EAAA), established in 2018, is a national peak organisation funded by the Commonwealth Attorney General’s Department to respond to and prevent elder abuse. 

COTA Tasmania is the peak body for older people in Tasmania and has been the voice of older Tasmanians for over 50 years. Its elder abuse activities are supported by the Tasmanian Government.

Major Partner

The Attorney-General's Department delivers programs and policies to maintain and improve Australia's law and justice framework, and to facilitate jobs growth through policies that promote fair, productive, flexible and safe workplaces. Through the Australian Government Solicitor, legal services are provided to the Commonwealth, including legal advice and representation.

The department is the central policy and coordinating element of the Attorney-General's and Industrial Relations portfolios, for which the Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations, the Hon Michaelia Cash, is responsible.

Conference Sponsors

ADA Australia is an aged care advocacy organisation working to uphold the human rights and wellbeing of older Australians, providing both service delivery and systemic advocacy in the area of elder abuse awareness and prevention. ADA Australia is an active participant in state and national strategies addressing elder abuse, rights and ageism.

The Tasmanian Government is committed to preventing elder abuse and through the Department of Communities Tasmania delivers policy, programs and community education including the Respect and Protect Older Tasmanians – Tasmania’s Elder Abuse Prevention Strategy 2019-2022. Initiatives implemented under the Strategy in partnership with community partners include the Tasmanian Elder Abuse Helpline, education and awareness for people who work with older Tasmanians and World Elder Abuse Awareness Day activities. The ‘It’s OK to ask the question’ Tasmanian elder abuse awareness campaign was launched in 2020

Program Sponsors

The Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) is a national network comprised of nine state and territory organisations that have been successfully delivering advocacy, information and education services to older people in metropolitan, regional, rural and remote Australia for over 25 years. 

LGBTIQ+ Health Australia is the national peak health organisation in Australia for organisations and individuals that provide health-related programs, services and research focused on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer people and other sexuality and gender diverse (LGBTIQ+) people and communities.

Relationships Australia is a federation of community-based, not-for-profit organisations with no religious affiliations. Our services are for all members of the community, regardless of religious belief, age, gender, sexual orientation, lifestyle choice, living arrangements, cultural background or economic circumstances. 

The ABA’s mission is to support our member banks to build a strong, stable and trusted banking system, to grow the Australian economy and build the financial well-being of all Australians.

The Commonwealth Bank of Australia is one of Australia’s leading providers of personal banking, business and institutional banking and share broking services. With 17.4 million customers and a history spanning more than a century, the Group’s purpose is to build a brighter future for all.

Aged Rights Advocacy Service (ARAS) has been assisting older South Australians to preserve and protect their human rights since 1990. ARAS offers a free, confidential and state-wide service to older people (or their representatives), who are, living in residential aged care or retirement villages, receiving Commonwealth Home Support Programme or Home Care Package services or at risk of, or experiencing abuse from family or friends.

ANZ is among the top four banks in Australia, the largest banking group in New Zealand and Pacific, and among the top 100 banks in the world by market capitalisation. ANZ’s history dates back to 1835 with the Group operating in more than 30 markets globally.

General Enquiries:

P: 1800 960 026 

E: info@eaaa.org.au

Delegate Services: 

Nectar Creative Communications

P: 1300 878 815  
E: enquiriesneac2022@nectarcc.com.au